يعرض الآن

We Are Love-Sixpence None The Richer
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ


A Celebration


Christmas is a wonderful time of the year, with its traditions, Christmas tree, special foods and family together.

Its nice to watch Christmas movies with a special message.

Its nice to hear the Christmas songs, secular and spiritual.

It really is a wonderful time of the year.

But we need to be careful as we celebrate not to loose the real meaning of Christmas.

We can be so busy getting the perfect tree, Busy buying the presents for our loved ones, busy with family that we forget the real meaning of Christmas.

Christmas has become so commercialized now.

We have Santa, the reindeer's, Rudolph and snowmen.

They are all very nice but have nothing to do with the real meaning of Christmas.

Its like Christmas has been hijacked by commercialism.

The real meaning of Christmas is a little baby boy being born in Bethlehem.

Born as a gift to humankind from God.

This baby would grow up and forgive us of our sins.

Probably the most important Christmas message ever.

We need to spend a little time away from the busyness and celebrations of Christmas to remember the real meaning.

Meditate on that little baby being born into the world for us.

Think about the gift that this baby brought to us.

The forgiveness of our sins, Do we really understand what that means for humankind and for ourselves personally?

God wants to fill our hearts with his love and peace this Christmastime,

He wants to have a relationship with us if only we would let him.

So this year as you celebrate Christmas have a good time and rejoice but also remember the true meaning of Christmas.


الاكثر من اخبار الحياة

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