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We Are Love-Sixpence None The Richer
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Culture challenging the bible

Is the bible our foundation?


We live in a world of changing ideas and thoughts, Some ideas come and then they go.

Everyone has an opinion on each subject, some people are right and some people are wrong.

One question “will you take the vaccine?”.

I am sure that you could present to me a good argument not to take the vaccine, you would research all the facts where the vaccine has had a negative effect on someone and present that as your case for not taking the vaccine.

But I am also sure you could present to me a good argument to take the vaccine, Presenting to me the good facts why you believe it is safe.

It is a subject where people will agree and disagree and both people may be right and wrong in some areas.

There are some issues where they are fundamentals.

The bible is our guide for life, It doesn't change even when the world's opinion around us changes.

For instance, it is now legal for a man to marry a man.

The world has changed, different countries are accepting this practice, where at one time it was illegal.

But what does the bible say about it.

Well, the bible is very clear that a relationship man to man is unacceptable.

It is very clear in the bible.

Now God is not going to change his mind because society has moved on.

What God thinks is sin yesterday, he still thinks is sin today, and he will still think it is sin tomorrow.

We cannot try and twist God's hand, getting him to change his mind.

That is where Christianity and the world clash.

If you stood in the street in England and preached that Homosexuality is a sin then you would be arrested, You would probably have a mob of people too called you homophobic or a bigot.

But God's word doesn't change no matter what society thinks.

As Christians we shouldn't be swayed by different opinions and views when the Bible is clear!

If God says it, I believe it, That does it !

Don't allow the world to dictate what you believe ! There is a point where you will have to stand for what you believe and you could pay a price for it, but it is better to be on God's side than the world's side.


الاكثر من اخبار الحياة

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