Practical advice
Relationships can get difficult when we involve other people.
You know the type of thing. We ask a mate: 'Could you put a word in for me?'
rather than speak to the person ourselves. Or we say to someone: 'Could you tell Fred that I’m sorry,' just to dodge a difficult conversation.
In contrast, Jesus ignored third parties. In Matthew 20:20 an ambitious mum asked him if her sons could have top jobs in his kingdom. They didn’t ask him themselves. But significantly, Jesus blanked her and replied to them.
Another time (John 12:21), some Greek people wanted to see Jesus. But instead of going straight to him, they asked Philip, who then asked Andrew, and then they both asked Jesus.
How complicated is that?
But Jesus ignored the request. It was as though they hadn’t even asked him. Which in effect, they hadn’t.
It’s better to speak to the person involved, especially if there's been a misunderstanding. And another tip (Matthew 18:15) - keep it between the two of you. It helps to limit the damage.
Cleland Thom Helping to lead Freedom Church