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Give It Time-Terrian
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Jesus' peace plan

Peace for you


Peace is hard to imagine in a region that’s been at war since October 7.

To many, it’s an impossible dream. Others believe you must fight to get it.

Jesus saw it differently. He never criticised the invading Roman soldiers who occupied Judea.

And in John 14:27 he told his friends: ‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.’

For a Christian, peace is not a ceasefire, it is a person: Jesus, the prince of peace.

If you’re a believer, Jesus has already given you peace that passes all understanding.

How is it different to the world's peace? It does not depend on circumstances, politicians, or anything else. It remains inside you and accompanies you wherever you go.

But Jesus’ peace is conditional. It depends on obeying his commands and keeping a clear conscience with him and other people. If you do something wrong, you’ll lose his peace, and you won’t feel any better until you put it right.

Peace might seem unachievable in many places that are ravaged by war. But when more people's hearts are filled with Jesus' peace, it can even spread to the battle fields.


Cleland Thom helps to lead Freedom Church, a praying community in the UK.



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