يعرض الآن

We Are Love-Sixpence None The Richer
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ


Get out and see the world


Travel is very important, It is a form of education in itself, As you travel around the world going to different countries you learn about different cultures, different peoples and different religions.

This is all very important for a rich life.

I have heard it said that they didn't go to proper university, but they went to the university of life.

Life teaches us so much as we travel around and see different things.

I once went to Africa and learned that peanuts grow underground, Who would have known that ?

Travel broadened my horizons.

I think travel toughens you up a bit too, there are people out there who want to cheat you so after a while you get to notice the scams that people do.

I remember a time when I went to but a drink in Egypt, the guy said “sit down” and brought me my can.

Then I found out how much it cost and it was ridiculous.

Here in the holy land it can be the same, so I have learned to ask questions first.

If they say “Sit relax its OK” then I will leave. If they can't tell me the price I'm not staying.

I think that is wisdom.

Life teaches you these little things. They are important lessons to learn.

So if you ever get the chance to travel then it is a great opportunity, it will teach you many things that you could never learn in a school setting.

I think I have learned a lot being in the holy land for many years, the culture is totally different than the UK, the weather is certainly different.

I have learned a lot about the conflict.

I have learned about Arab time. Hhhhh

Just because an Arab says he is coming at 9am doesn't mean he is coming at 9am.

So many lessons to learn. And they are good lessons too.

الاكثر من اخبار الحياة

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