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UK commits further £12.6m to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)

Press release


Jerusalem, 24 March 2021 – The United Kingdom announced today a contribution of £12.6m to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), bringing the UK’s bilateral contribution for Financial Year April 2020 - March 2021 to £63.6m.

The UK was one of the top donors to UNRWA during this period and will continue to support the Agency in providing education, health services and emergency food to Palestinian refugees in the OPTs, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.

British Consul General Philip Hall said: “I am delighted that the UK is able to provide this additional funding to UNRWA to facilitate the Agency’s vital work with Palestinian refugees. Through UNRWA, the UK has ensured that thousands of Palestinian refugees received an education, healthcare and emergency food supplies. This work is particularly important as the region tackles the Covid-19 pandemic.”

الاكثر من الأخبار المحلية العاجلة

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