God stepped in.
God is a God of love but he is a judge too, you can't have one without the other, they go together.
Love and Judgement are partners.
You need both to keep the right balance.
You need to love because it is very important but equally you need to judge.
Showing too much love to a child will spoil them and showing too much judgement will hold them back.
But both balanced at the right time is healthy and good.
God disciplined Ananias and Sapphira, They were Believers in Jesus.
I imagine they went to congregation every week and were well respected,
But they were looking for recognition.
God knew their hearts weren't right.
They lied to the apostle Peter so God took them out.
They went to heaven but they went early.
It maybe wasn't the worst sin in the world but it was sin and it showed the church what God thought of lying.
Lying is sin and God hates sin.
If we only ever told 1 white lie in our lifetime it would have meant that Jesus would need to die on the cross for that one sin.
It may be small but it meant the death of Jesus.
That is how God treats sin.
Sin must be punished, Judgement must be executed.
And it was, Ananias and Sapphira lost their lives.
Don't mess with sin.