يعرض الآن

When I Survey-Bluetree
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ

A great Christian Martyr

Stephen was a great man, he was full of the power of the Holy Spirit.


He done great things for the people.

But when people do great things it can often provoke great jealousy.

Stephen was brought before the council and questioned.

He shared with the people about God's faithfulness but in the end I didn't go well.

The people were so angry with Stephen that they stoned him to death.

But Stephen had faith, He knew that not one stone could harm him.

Because the moment that he died he was in the presence of the Lord.

When he lived he served the Lord and when he died he was with the Lord.

What do we need to fear as Christians today. If I live I live for the Lord and if I die I am with the Lord.

When someone wants to kill you for your belief you are in a win win situation.

Stones may physically come to hurt us but if we die we are in the presence of the Lord.

Today there are many martyrs in the Middle east, People dying because of their faith.

We may be sad because of the situation but we can rejoice knowing that when a true Christian martyr dies they are in the presence of God.

Do you have that kind of Faith.?

Do you know where your going when you die.?

Jesus died for you to give you true peace.  

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