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My Arms-Ledger
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A healed ear

Another miracle


While Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane A mob came to arrest him.

They came with swords and clubs; It looks like they expected trouble.

The human heart often wants to fight.

Judas came and Kissed Jesus, that was the signal for the betrayal and arrest.

But one man was ready to defend Jesus.

It was Simon Peter; he didn't understand what must take place but he was willing to defend Jesus.

He took his sword and cut off the ear of Malchus the servant of the high priest.

I imagine Malchus put his hand to the side of his face and didn't feel his ear.

My ear, my ear” I am sure he cried.

But Jesus in compassion and love reached out to his enemy and healed his ear.

Malchus had come to Jesus to arrest him, he had come to do an injustice.

He had come as an enemy of Jesus and yet Jesus still touched his ear.

It wasn't only the desperate that Jesus touched it was also his enemy.

Jesus was an example of how we should treat our enemies.

Jesus didn't just teach with fancy words; he lived those words out.

He had just experienced the agony of what was about to happen and yet he still had compassion on one of those who was going to put him through the pain of the cross.

Let Jesus be your example today.

Love your Enemy.

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