يعرض الآن

Better For It-Riley Clemmons
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ

All clogged up

The Fatberg


Underground in London is a massive problem, It is called the fatberg.

It is a lump of fat in the sourage system.

People have been throwing all their waste away and it has gotten into the sewers as a big fat berg.

40 tonnes of a fatberg was cleared away from a London sewer.

If the sewer is blocked then nothing can flow and that is a problem.

We can have the same problem with our bodies.

If you constantly feed yourself with rubbish food then we are going to come to a point where our arteries clog up.

Junk food is nice occasionally but if we have it all the time then we are building up to a serious problem.

The fat will build up in our arteries and eventually clog up.

This will lead to a heart attack and this can be fatal.

We need to look after ourselves with what we eat.

We need to eat sensibly, and not constantly take in junk food or we will be heading for a serious problem.

It could lead to death.

Look after yourself and eat properly, you only get one life to live.


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