يعرض الآن

The Plan-Floorplan Ft Earthtone
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Is it wrong?


Is it wrong to get angry?

Perhaps someone drives you crazy all the time and you just lose it with them.

Or you watch something on TV and it shocks you and makes you angry because you feel for the person involved.

When Jesus was on the temple grounds he saw that the people were selling at the temple and he got angry, He got so angry that he turned over the tables.

He was angry that his house of prayer had turned in to a den of thieves and robbers, It was a righteous anger.

But he didn't go and punch the people in the face and start a fight.

So there is righteous anger and unrighteous anger.

Losing control is not from God, when we lose control that is when we are dangerous and someone can get hurt.

God wants us to be totally in control of our emotions.

I could go out onto the street and see how young girls are being abused by evil men, This could make me so angry that I then decide to do something about it.

Start a shelter for these young girls, make sure they are safe, My anger turned into action.

In your anger do not sin but use it to do some good in the world.

All to the glory of God.

الاكثر من مدونات

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