Computers are wonderful things
They have changed our lives.
We can do many things these days because of computers.
They are our entertainment system, and our communication system.
They provide people with a lot of pleasure.
But what about when they go wrong!
When a virus is on your computer .
A virus can paralyse your computer.
Some people have even invented ransomeware which demands payment if you are locked out of your computer.
A virus can do damage so Antivirus is important .
It will scan your computer and detect a problem, then take that virus and isolate it .
Antivirus can save your computer.
The Holy Spirit is our antivirus.
He convicts us of Sin.
He can scan your life then tell you that you have a problem here or there.
It's then up to us to respond.
We can ignore the voice of the Holy Spirit or we can respond to what he is saying .
What is the Holy Spirit saying to you today ?