يعرض الآن

Dance Like Nobody's Watching-Family Force 5
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In the bible there was a big argument between Paul and Barnabas.


Barnabas wanted to take John Mark with him but Paul didn't want him to come.

Paul felt that John Mark had abandoned them in their 1st Missionary journey, so he didn't want him in this journey.

Both of them disagreed, Its OK to disagree but in that disagreement don't let hatred get in.

Its easy for bitterness to grow in your heart, especially when you feel you were in the right and everyone else is in the wrong.

Maturity is knowing how to take those disagreements and make a wise decision based on love not revenge.

Later on we find out that Paul was reconciled to John Mark and praised him.

Is there someone in your life today that you are having trouble with?

Perhaps someone that disagrees with you.

Pray for them, That God would touch their heart, Also pray that God would touch you too, You may find out that you were wrong.

The golden rule is to always act out of love.

We will never all agree but if we always act out of love then our motives will always be right.

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