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Dance Like Nobody's Watching-Family Force 5
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Bethlehem a special city

Bethlehem is a special city



It has always been destined to be a special city.

It was prophesied about in the bible.

The Book of Micah chapter 5 verse 2 talks about Bethlehem and its special place.

Out of Bethlehem would come a ruler and he would also be the Messiah.

He would be the one who would set men free.

Jesus Christ who walked the earth and done good where ever he went.

And it all started in a little stable in Bethlehem.

Usually rulers can be found in palaces but this baby was found in a humble stable.

The Angels announced his birth and the shepherds saw this little baby boy.

Kings traveled from afar and a special star was placed in the sky.

All because of a little baby boy born in Bethlehem.

Bethlehem you have a special place in every believers heart.

Because the Prince of peace came from you.

And Peace should come out of Bethlehem and go all around the world.

And change hearts and lives.









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