What is your dream ?
What has God placed on your heart ?
Everyone needs a dream and a vision , something to work towards .
But birthing a dream isn't easy .
When a woman is pregnant there are 9 months of discomfort to go through .
Sickness in the morning , pain in the back because of the extra weight she is carrying . Pressure on other parts of the body .
Then there are labour pains , bringing the baby into being
But all the pain is worthwhile once that little baby is born .
Its pain for a time then Joy .
Its the same when you are carrying a dream .
Its not easy to carry a dream that God has placed in your heart .
People won't understand you , Perhaps even criticize you .
Some may even discourage you on your path .
But stick with it , God has placed that dream in your heart for a reason .
He wants to show you his faithfulness to you .
He will bring it about at the right time .
Stay faithful to your dream and God will bring you through .