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We Are Love-Sixpence None The Richer
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Computer Virus

It's a pain!


Have you ever had a virus on your computer?

They can do so much damage.

Some viruses can steal your information and send it back to someone else.

Other viruses can totally freeze your computer and you cannot access your data until you pay a ransom.

There are other viruses that can be found in emails and attachments.

So, you need to be able to deal with these viruses that can be found.

Many people put an anti-virus on their computer which will search through your computer looking for viruses, when it finds a virus it; takes it and puts it into a safe place then asks you what you want to do with it.

It's good to get that virus right out of your computer so that It doesn't do any damage.

We could do with an anti-virus for our life, if only we would slow down for 5 minutes and check our own lives out.

If we would stop and think, is this or that really good for me?

Is this path that I am taking a health path or a disruptive and destructive path?

Take some time out of your busy day to review where you are going in life and what influences you.

If there are any viruses in the way take them out.

Don't allow your life to go down a wrong path.

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