يعرض الآن

King Of My Heart-Steffany Gretzinger & Jeremy Riddle
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follow the leader


Jesus had 12 disciples and he taught them by example,

they saw how Jesus lived and worked and that was an example to them.

He done many miracles, fed 5000, walked on water and calmed the storm.

All these were to teach the disciples valuable lessons because one day Jesus wouldn't be with them.

Jesus was their training ground, like a university.

Later we would see the disciples go out and do great things, they had learned from the master.

Being a disciple is costly, The disciples paid a price for following Jesus.

Peter was crucified upside down; John was exiled and James was beheaded according to tradition.

Today are you willing to pry a price for following Jesus?

What would you give up to follow truth?

Jesus asks us to take up our cross and follow him, It is costly but his free gift is eternal life.

Jesus paid the price for our sin, We are forgiven. It is a free gift received by faith.

But it could cost us everything to follow him as a true discipleس.

Follow Jesus today with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.

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