take it out
Have you ever wanted something someone else has?,
You have seen other people's stuff and wished that you had it too.
The bible calls it envy.
It is a trap we can all fall into very easily.
We all like nice stuff
we all like new stuff ,but when we envy, we start complaining to God about the stuff we have.
We may not say the words but really in our hearts we are complaining to God.
“You haven't given me enough stuff God”
“It's just not fair, why do they get all the cool stuff and I don't?”.
We begin to sound like a spoiled brat, instead of being thankful for the things we do have.
Envy is a road that leads to more sin.
It can lead you into theft.
You're not happy with the things you have so you take someone else's and hope it brings you happiness.
But of course, it won't.
Be content with what you have, that is true happiness.