يعرض الآن

In The Middle-Kalley
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ


God's beauty


flowers are beautiful, they come in all shapes and colours.

And they have a nice smell.

Giving a flower to a loved one will put a smile on their face.

We oftern give flowers to show our love and care.

Flowers are a wonderful way to brighten someones day.

They tell the person that you are thinking about them.

We should be like a flower, bringing a fresh fragrance where ever we go.

Our life should put a smile on someones face.

We should bring Joy and love where ever we go.

The believer in Jesus should show the fruit of the spirit.

It should come out of us just like a beautiful flower.

The flower doesn't have to do anything, yet it shares its beauty.

It shares its fragrant smell and it brings joy and happiness.

We should do the same thing because of God's spirit inside of us.

It shouldn't be a huge effort, it should be a natural reaction.

Let God's spirit shine through you.

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