يعرض الآن

Runaway-Amongst Wolves
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ


Friends are friends forever


A friend is someone who you can trust with your deepest secrets.

They know you and you know them.

You can be closer than a brother with a friend.

They are there for you in a time of need.

In the bible we see David and Jonathan were best of friends.

God anointed David as king but it was Saul, Jonathan's father who was king.

God rejected Saul but Jonathan in the human mind should have been next in line.

In one way David was in the way of Jonathan becoming king.

But there was a bond of friendship.

Jonathan must have known God's heart and known that God had anointed David as the next king.

He didn't fight for his right; his bond of friendship was stronger.

David had a true friend in Jonathan.

Jonathan even helped David when his father wanted to kill him.

Jonathan showed love, kindness and concern for his friend.

What kind of friend are you to those around you?

Are you faithful? Are you loyal ?

Are you trustworthy with a friend's secret or would you be quick to share with someone else as hot gossip.

Use David as an example of true friendship in your life.

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