يعرض الآن

Dear God-Cory Asbury
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We love to receive them


Christmas is a time for giving,

Every year we go out to the shops and try to buy the perfect gift for our loved ones.

Some people are easy to buy for and others are very hard to buy for.

It's a joy to give a gift and see the person's face when they receive a gift that you have thought about.

It's not really the gift it's the thought behind the gift that counts.

Someone has thought about you.

Sometimes you may not like the gift, but the fact is they were thinking about you.

That is what really matters.

When Jesus came to earth 2000 years ago God was thinking about you.

God sent the perfect gift to earth.

It was a gift that would forgive us of all of our sins and make us right with him.

Jesus was the perfect sinless gift.

And he was given for you.

But have you unwrapped the gift yet.

Have you realised how special that Gift really is.

It's not just a story 20000 years ago.

It is a gift that can change your life today.

Get to know that gift that was given for you.

Jesus Christ, God's son and saviour.

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