يعرض الآن

It's Happening-Daniel Bashta
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ

God wants your best

Live life for him


God wants you to have a great life, a life full of blessing and goodness, that doesn't mean that life will always be easy because life is sometimes like the seasons, we have ups and downs.

But even in the difficulties we can have a special peace that God gives.

We need to be careful that we are not distracted with the pleasures of the world.

When you have been a Christian for a long time, Sometimes we can lose our sharpness.

We can get a bit bored and want to start looking into the things of the world.

God doesn't want us to be drawn by temptation, he wants us to resist.

Temptation will pull you in and if we are not careful we can end up living in that sin.

Once that happens then apathy can set in.

You don't really care that you are living in sin.

You may have a love for God but his conviction just rubs over your shoulders.

Sin has caught you in its web and pulled you into apathy.

Living in sin is a dangerous place to be because you are living outside of God's best and God's hand of discipline is just around the corner.

When God disciplines, he does it for your best, It is his way of getting us to turn around from a sin that we are holding on to.

God wants you to be a person who is holy, so don't allow yourself to be distracted by the pleasures of the world but fix your eyes on God so that his discipline hand doesn't come upon you.

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