How holy are you?
Many of us try to be good, If you get to know people then you can find out what their beliefs are and what their opinions are based on.
But what is the life that you live?
Is it OK to tell a little white lie?
You're protecting the person you are lying to, you don't want to hurt them so you tell a little white lie.
Would you steal a little pen in the bank?
It's only a pen after all, it's worth half a shekel.
Would you watch a movie on the TV late at night that had sex scenes in ?
These are all questions that we can ask ourself privately and the answer will tell us what we think of holiness.
If we can make excuses, it tells us that we are far away from God's standard.
We are not bad people but we just have a different standard.
God's standard is perfection because he is absolutely holy.
Our standard will differ from people to people.
Some people will think it is OK to say a little white lie but others will say no it is wrong.
Our Standard of holiness is different.
You may go to church on Sunday and the rest of the week you're swearing and shouting, But you wouldn't dream of swearing on a Sunday.
Holiness is consistent.
It is a standard that is high, it is perfection.
Only Jesus reached that standard.