There is one thing that is so wonderful all around the world.
As a Christian we are brothers and sisters in Christ.
If you believe in Jesus then you are my brother or sister.
You can travel anywhere around the world and because you are a brother and sister in christ you can be welcomed into someones home.
You may never have met before but because you are a believer then you are most welcome.
It is so wonderful to know.
Hospitality is a wonderful thing.
To be invited into someones home for a meal or a bed for the night
says “I love you” or “You are special to me”.
God loves us and he thinks we are special so when we show hospitality we are really showing the heart of God.
The bible says some showed hospitality and were really entertaining angels.
To sit together and discuss the things of God are a real blessing, we are mutualy encouraged by each other.
So make sure your door is always open and receive that blessing.