Are you happy with yourself ?
Is there one thing that you would like to change .
Maybe you want a different colour hair ,
or you feel your ears stick out too much.
Your worries and concerns, are they real ? or are you looking at others and then feeling I’m not perfect!
You may look at a beautiful person in a magazine and think, I wish I was like that.!
But the magazines lie to you, because when they have a model they air brush out all the blemishes so what you see isn’t reality.
You are created in God’s image .
He thinks you are beautiful.
What we need to be concerned about is beauty on the inside.
Are we developing the fruit of the spirit in our life?
Do we show love, joy , peace.
That is real beauty.
Don't focus on the Magazines, the famous, the fashion,
But focus on what makes you beautiful on the inside.
Someone may look beautiful but they have a nasty Character.
Beauty fades, Character lasts a lifetime.