يعرض الآن

The Plan-Floorplan Ft Earthtone
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Its a wonderful day

knowing God


Life is wonderful when you know God,

When he comes into your heart and clears all your sins away, you can have peace with God.

Nothing else in the world matters.

We hear stories of Christians who are willing to die for their faith because they have a greater hope.

Appostle Paul said it very clearly “If I live, I live for the Lord and if I die I go to be with the Lord.

What a wonerful attitude.

Nothing can harm you because whatever happens It is win, win.

When your sins are forgiven they you can have joy and peace because you know that you are going to heaven when you die.

Today do you have joy and peace in your life?

Do you have assurance of where you are going to when you die?

You can ?

Just open your heart up to Jesus, Ask him into your life and he will give you eternal life.

From that point on if you are serious you will want to live for him.

That will be real living.

الاكثر من مدونات

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