A Follower of Jesus
We don't know much about Joseph of Arimathea but we do know he was a follower of Jesus.
And his one act of kindness has been remembered from generation to Generation.
His kindness is recorded in all four gospels.
He took the body of Jesus and laid it in his new tomb
He gave Jesus dignity in his death.
Little did Joseph know that Jesus was only borrowing this tomb for a few days.
Because when Sunday came Jesus didn't need it any more.
Jesus rose from the dead.
With Power.
The Earth shook and an angel came.
Jesus wasn't dead he was alive.
Joseph got his tomb back again.
What acts of kindness will you be remembered for.
Will people remember you kindly? Or will they think of your name as a curse.
Both Judas and Joseph followed Jesus.
One we remember with disgust and the other we remember with honour.
Let's follow Jesus with all our heart.