يعرض الآن

Dear God-Cory Asbury
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ


An insult to Jesus


The soldiers took Jesus and mocked him.

They treated him like a common criminal.

They teased him, “So you are a King” they knew that Jesus final outcome was to die on the cross.

They didn't understand who they were mocking.

In mocking Jesus they were mocking God.

They put a robe on him and twisted a crown of thorns together and placed it upon his head, I imagine they didn't place it gently upon his head but forced it down.

Each thorn dragging into the skin of Jesus's head.

Now blood pouring down Jesus face.

But that crown of thorns was a symbol, The soldiers meant it as a symbol of kingship in a mocking way, but it meant more than that.

When Adam and Eve sinned God cursed the ground and Thorns would now grow.

Jesus was now about to go to the cross with that symbol of the curse and break the curse of sin.

Jesus died on the cross for sin, Adam's sin, yours and my sin.

The curse of sin is broken.

Justice has been served; we can be made free because of Jesus.

Trust him today for salvation.


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