some people live a bad life,
Everything they do or say is bad.
You would never trust them or be friends with them.
But suddenly God speaks into their life and they totally change.
They don't do bad things any more,
Their words are wholesome and not cursing.
A change has happened.
Its repentance.
Repentance is realising that you are going the wrong way of wrong direction and turning around and going in the opposite direction.
Repentance is a change of heart and mind.
The Holy Spirit brings people to repentance.
He shines a light onto people's hearts and they see the things that they are doing are wrong.
Conviction comes and the person says “I need to change”
The Holy Spirit changes people when an attitude of repentance comes.
In fact you cannot be a follower of Jesus without Repentance .
Jesus taught Repent and be baptised.
It was a command from God.
Have you repented ?
Have you realised that you were going down the wrong path.
Turn round today and Follow God.