يعرض الآن

Lord I Receive Your Love-Cathy Burton
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Jesus is alive


Resurrection was a powerful day in History, No one in all of history had risen from the dead into his resurrected body.

Lazurus of course came back to live again but at some point he died again.

Jesus was alive with a resurrected body.

He is the first fruits of things to come.

One day I will die and will be placed in the ground.

But in the future there is coming a day when I will rise again

The power of the Holy Spirit will lift me out of the grave.

It will be another amazing day in history.

It will happen because Jesus died on the cross for my sins.

The cross is a wonderful story of God's grace and mercy to mankind.

God comes to earth and dies for our sins.

Today I am a sinner saved by God's grace.

And even though one day I will die, God will bring me back to life again and I will have my resurrected body.

What a glorious day that will be.

What about you this Easter ?

Do you know your sins are forgiven ?

Do you know that God loves you and has grace and mercy for you today?

Don't reject him, take his Love.

He died for you.

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