Oh, holy night
I can imagine that it was quite boring in a field looking after sheep.
There wasn't much to do.
At night the other shepherds would come together in the field, sit by the fire and talk about the day or perhaps even tell a few stories.
Every night would be quite uneventful until the holy night.
An Angel came as they warmed themselves beside the fire,
they came with special news.
What a shock and surprise for the shepherds.
Nothing like this had ever happened before. And now suddenly an angel coming bringing they tidings of great Joy.
The fear on their faces and the dread.
But the angel put their hearts at rest.
“Do not be afraid, I have come to bring you good news”
and it truly was good news.
The Angel was a messenger of God, God had sent the angel to the shepherds declaring the news that a Savior had been born tonight in Bethlehem.
You will find him lying in a manger.
That must have seemed strange, laying in a manger!
What is a new born baby doing in a Manger.
It didn't make sense but they went to investigate and true enough they found the baby laying in a manger.
The angel said it was a sign, this baby would be the messiah, there would be no other baby in a manger.
This was the one, this was the messiah.
And when they left the baby Jesus, they had a message on their heart and told the people about the Messiah they had met.