There is just no getting away from it.
We are all sinners, sin is inside of each and every one of us.
We were born into sin because of Adam and Eve
There is just no getting away from it.
There is just one person in history who is not born from Adam and that is Jesus Christ.
So he is the only one who can be sinless.
Sin destroys lives
The bible says that the wages of sin is death.
Wages are something we have earned and we know because we are in Adam that we will die one day.
God is also going to judge sin.
He will judge sin in righteousness.
It's no good saying ah but God is a God of love, yes that is true, but to be a true and just judge, he must judge in righteousness.
God will judge you one day unless you accept Jesus who died for sin.
Jesus loved you so much he died for your sin.
Accept him today and know that your sins are forgiven.