There are 4 gospels in the bible and they tell about the life of Jesus.
And all the wonderful characters he meets.
But right at the very end of the gospels we meet one character, we don’t know much about him but we do know he was a rich man.
He was also a disciple of Jesus.
His name was Joseph of Arimathea, he is in all 4 gospels of the bible
He didn’t openly let people know he was a disciple; he was very careful and cautious.
He wanted to bury Jesus so he went to Pilate and asked him if he could take Jesus body and bury him.
Pilate said yes, so, they took Jesus body to Joseph’s tomb.
This was Josephs act of kindness and he is remembered for it, in all 4 gospels.
Joseph of Arimathea has gone down in history as the man who buried Jesus.
Won’t it be amazing that one day when we get to heaven that we will meet this man and share wonderful stories together.
Jesus borrowed Joseph’s tomb, it was only for three days, but Joseph didn’t know that.
It was an act of kindness towards his savior.
Today we can go out and perform acts of kindness for others around us.
What will you do to show your love for Jesus?