يعرض الآن

Cut & Run-Lifehouse
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ


It's painful at times


There are times in our life when we will go through suffering, Suffering can come in all shapes and sizes.

Some people will suffer for doing what is right.

You may have a biblical opinion and others who don't will mock you because you stand for the bible.

It can be tough when people don't understand where you are coming from.

You may know you are right but people don't get it.

Sometimes people can get violent because they don't want to hear truth.

We suffer for the faith.

Other times we can suffer in a different way, We suffer in our body.

Our body begins to let us down and we cannot do the things anymore we used to do.

Some people suffer with mental issues, Perhaps they just can't love themselves, they begin to Hate themselves, It is a form of suffering.

We can suffer in many different ways, That is why it is good to be there for other people, Perhaps the suffering that people face is something that you cannot see.

So it is good to meet together and share.

Perhaps your life experience will help someone else who is struggling.

If you have struggles in the past then use it for good, Turn that pain into joy and use it to help others who are in need and are suffering at this time.

Minister to each others needs.


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