A rose gently swaying in the wind is a beautiful thing.
It’s a wonderful sight.
A rose is very beautiful, it’s a sign of love if it is a red rose .
It also has a fragrant smell.
But even with that beauty a rose has a sharp side to it.
On the stem are thorns.
If you catch your skin on a thorn it will hurt and you could bleed.
Even with all that beauty the rose can give you pain.
Some people can be like that rose, They can look beautiful, but because of the hurts and pains of life there are thorns in their life.
It’s a defense mechanism, they don't want to get hurt so they lash out.
Or perhaps someone has hurt them so they want to hurt someone else.
God has called each and every one of us to beauty.
Beauty on the inside and out.
The Beauty of Good works, a good attitude, a joyful smile in the morning.
We have a lot to smile about, God loves us.
So show your beauty today .