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Dance Like Nobody's Watching-Family Force 5
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The Devil

who is he?


The devil is your enemy, He is not your friend.

He prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

The bible says the thief comes to steal kill and destroy.

You cannot be a friend to the devil without him destroying your life.

At one time the devil was an arch angel, he was responsible for the worship.

But pride came into his heart and instead of worshiping God, he wanted to be God, so he rebelled.

There was a rebellion in heaven and the devil took a third of the angels with him.

But for his rebellion he was thrown out of heaven.

Today his is trying to get people to follow him and his lies.

He promises good things and a good life, but they always end up as lies.

Many good people have destroyed their life because they have listened to the promises of the devil.

But remember, the thief comes to steal kill and destroy.

Jesus came to give you life.

Follow Jesus and have life.

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