A long donkey ride
Mary and Joseph had to travel from Nazareth in the North to Bethlehem.
Can you imagine the journey?
It would be a very easy journey today, You would jump on a few buses and enjoy the ride.
Mary and Joseph didn't have that luxury.
They traveled by donkey, It would be a long walk made worse because Mary was pregnant.
We don't know how long it took, Maybe 4 days but they had to make the journey because of a decree by Caesar Augustus.
Caesar wanted the entire Roman world counted.
This was a huge task which meant that Mary and Joseph had to make this journey.
The road would be hard, it would be long but it needed to be taken.
And Mary was carrying a special load.
It was Jesus the Messiah.
The bible told us in the Old Testament that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem.
God moved the heart of Caesar, God moved Mary and Joseph and Jesus was born right on time, in the right place.
God has the whole world in his hand, If God would go to all this trouble to fulfil his word then we know we can trust him.
Let God be the one who leads your life today, Begin a new journey with him.