A brand new season.
The New year is here, Has the past year been a good year or a bad year?
One thing I do know is that the year went so fast.
Can you believe it?
It comes so quickly and I am another year older.
For some it has been a year of pain and suffering.
For others it has been a year of loss and sadness.
We hope and pray that 2025 will be a year of peace and love.
We need both peace and Love.
Peace in our hearts and Love for our fellow man.
Even if we don't get it back from others, we should give it out in abundance.
Being pioneers of peace and love.
It is something that the world so desperately needs right now.
If Jesus is in your heart then we should be doing that already.
But maybe with everything that is going on we have been a little bit distracted.
But now is a new year, Let us shine his love and his peace.
Jesus showed us there is a better way.
And let us have a happy 2025.