The smoke alarm is a very necessary piece of equipment,
One day it might save your life.
Every house should have one.
One day that alarm could ring and give you a warning that there is a fire in the house.
It could save your life!
It is a warning mechanism built to warn you of danger.
God has also put a warning mechanism inside of you.
It is your conscience.
When you do something wrong your conscience pricks you.
It says “Hey you! That’s not right”.
It speaks to you and lets you know that you have done something wrong.
And you begin to feel guilty about it.
Listen to that feeling inside of you, it is sending you a warning.
If you don’t listen, then that feeling will get less and less and eventually you won’t feel it at all.
You’re on the path to deep trouble.
Listen to your conscience inside of you; it is keeping you out of trouble.