يعرض الآن

We Are Love-Sixpence None The Richer
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The spirit level

are you straight?


When a builder wants to build a house or a wall, he will use a spirit level.

It is a very small device but it is very important.

The little tiny bubble needs to be in the centre, when it is you know that you are level.

Our eye can be deceiving, we think something is level but it isn't.

A slight gradient can mean that the wall is not level.

If you use a spirit level it will tell you straight away that your eye is wrong and the level is correct.

You can now build your wall straight.

The world tells us that this is OK and that is OK, we follow the crowd and do our own thing but when we measure us the world's ideas with God's ideas, we find out that they are not level.

God's standards are perfect and pure and when we put the world's standards next to them then we see that the world is sloping downwards.

The bible is our Spirit level.

It leads us and guides us.

It tells us God's heart and his perfect will.

Read God's word and get your life level.

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