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Thermos Flask

Keep it hot


The thermos flask is a very handy thing to have,

If you go on a long drive for a few hours, you will probably want a cup of coffee.

So, if you plan in advance, you can get your thermos flask out and make yourself a nice cup of coffee early in the morning.

And later when you are feeling the need for coffee get the flask out and there it is, A nice hot cup of coffee.

The thermos has kept the water nice and hot.

You don't need to buy expensive coffee; the thermos has saved the day.

God wants us to be thermos flasks, Holding his presence.

God wants us to be hot for him.

Sometimes in life sin creeps into our lives, Just a little sin here or a little sin there and it causes us to be just a little bit cool towards God.

If we allow too much sin into our lives, then we go from cool to cold.

God wants you to be hot for him.

Live your life like a thermos keeping your relationship with God nice and hot.

Are you hot for God today ?

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