God's salvation
There was a man in the bible, we don't know a lot about him, he is hardly mentioned but he was an old man and the Holy Spirit was upon him.
His name was Simeon.
God had promised him that he wouldn't die until he had seen the Lord's Messiah.
Can you imagine Simeon waiting day after day.
“God, I believe your promise, when am I going to see the messiah”
and then one day Mary and Joseph came into the temple to perform their duties and there he is Baby Jesus.
Simeon's heart skips a beat, “this is the one this is the promise that God spoke to me about”.
He held the baby Jesus and knew this was the Messiah.
What an awesome day for Simeon, now he could die in peace knowing that he had seen the messiah and that God had kept his word to him.
That little baby born in Bethlehem in a humble stable would become the messiah of the world saving us of our sins.
What a happy day for Simeon.