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Who goes to heaven ?

Have you ever wondered who will go to heaven?


Have you ever thought whether you will go to heaven?
Do you think well I am good so I am sure I will go to heaven?
If you could be good to get to heaven then Jesus didn't need to die.
So being good won't get us to heaven.
And what is the standard for good ?
Some people will say  one thing, others will say another.
The bible says all our goodness is like filthy rags before God.
So no matter how good we are, we are just not good enough.
If we are not good enough then who will go to heaven.?
The bible says those without sin.
But I am a sinner ?
And that is why Jesus came to die.
We couldn't be good enough to get to heaven so Jesus came and died for our sin.
When we invite him into our life he takes away our sin and puts onto us a robe of rightousness.
Its not what we have done, Its what Jesus has done.
We go to heaven because Jesus took our sin.
Not because we are good.
Its all about the grace of God.
Thank you Jesus.

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