يعرض الآن

Lord I Receive Your Love-Cathy Burton
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ

You can do anything

God opens doors


God wants the best for you, he has your best in his heart.

But we need to want to have the best for ourselves too.

God can open any door but he can also close any door.

If there is something that is an idol in our life, then God can close doors.

I don't mean bowing down to an image made of wood, but anything can become and idol.

Money can become your idol, So God can close a door of promotion because he can see where your heart is going.

It is a form of discipline to bring you back so that God is the number one and not money.

God always has your best at heart and he will allow discipline in your life to help you keep on the right track.

Even as Christians we can wander in the wrong direction, we can have things in our lives which pull us away from God's best.

God in his grace and mercy will discipline us to bring us back to where he wants us to be.

We can be rebellious and God will leave us in our rebellion, but he will still bring a stronger discipline.

Don't resist God !

You can't win and he knows best.

Surrender to his grace and mercy.

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