But safety first.
There is new craze on the scene
It is the electric scooter.
They are great, you don't have to walk anymore you just need to pop onto your electric scooter and your moving with speed.
It's great , but beware !
Your safety must come first.
You should wear a helmet, if you damage your head then you could end up with serious brain damage.
We all hate helmets because they mess up the hair, but it's much better to have messy hair than a damaged brain.
Be careful when you are out.
Make sure you look where you are going and don't do any dangerous moves with traffic.
A car is much bigger than you and they can do more damage so don't take risks.
Get out and enjoy the electric scooter but at the same time remember your safety and be careful.
One moment of lack of concentration could be fatal.
Be alert