يعرض الآن

The Awesome God You Are-Matt Redman
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ


Check yourself.


Cancer is a very bad disease.
I am sure everybody knows someone who has died of cancer.
It is a disease that destroys families and friendships.
Cancer respects no one, young or old.
Even King Charles has been diagnosed with Cancer.
We need to protect ourselves from Cancer.
If you smoke then stop.
Cancer kills many smokers every year.
If you love the sun then make sure you protect yourself when you go out.
Don't sit in the sun in the heat of the day.
Just little things can help protect yourself from Cancer.
It is also very important to visit the doctor every year to get a yearly check up.
Blood pressure, cholesterol.
Checking in with the doctor is important.
The sooner you spot Cancer the more likely you are to survive.
So if you feel unwell or if you check yourself and find a lump then visit the doctor quickly.
Another thing we can do is support Cancer charities, charities that do research into Cancer.
Hopefully one day we will find a cure for Cancer, but the charities need money to do that.
You can also give to charities that help look after Cancer patients.
Like Al Sadeel which we have in Bethlehem.
They do a wonderful job in palliative care.
Get involved and together let's all beat Cancer.

الاكثر من اخبار الحياة

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