يعرض الآن

Not Now-The Fray
ﺍﺳﺘﻤﻊ ﻟﻠﺒﺚ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﺎﺷﺮ

Come and visit London

See the historical sites


London is an amazing place.

I have been visiting the capital for a number of years now, so I know where some of the tourist places are.

You can stand outside Buckingham palace and look on the roof to see if the king is home.

The Royal standard will be flying if he is home.

Admire the ornate metalwork in the fencing and see the beautiful palace.

If you come at 10.45 in the morning you can see the changing of the guard.

They must have a lot of patience to stand there guarding the palace.


As you leave the palace you can walk through St James Park.

It is a beautiful park, where right in the city you can see nature.

There are many Squirrels in the park, a great place for photography.

There are ducks and swans that swim on the lake, beautiful flowers that grow, a great place to rest and enjoy nature at its best.

As you come out of the park you can walk down the famous Whitehall.

You will see guards on horseback, if you're brave enough you can stroke the horse's nose.

Walking up is Downing Street, the place where the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom lives.

Nowadays it is surrounded by heave security.

If you are lucky, you may see the Prime Minister leave or arrive.

Then walk a little further up you will see the iconic Big Ben and Westminster.

The seat of parliament, this is where all the laws are passed for the UK.

Right next to Big Ben is Westminster bridge which crosses the Thames river.

As you stand on the bridge and look across you will see the famous London eye, A Big wheel which you can go on and see some of the sites of London.

All these amazing places in such a short space,

London is really worth a visit.

الاكثر من اخبار الحياة

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