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Disobeying God is costly

Living with the consequences.


I can identify with people in the bible who did the opposite of what God
told them.
There are plenty of them.
Adam and Eve started the trend. God told them not to eat from the tree of
knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:17). But they ate from it anyway.
Several hundred years later, God told Moses to speak to a rock to provide
drinking water for the thirsty Israelites (Numbers 20:8). But Moses hit it
instead - twice.
And when God told Jonah to head east to Nineveh (Jonah 1:1), he went to
Tarshish, which was 2,500 miles in the west.
The same happened in the New Testament, too.
Jesus gave a leper a strong warning not to speak about his healing in Mark
1:43. But the man ignored him and told everyone about it.
I see myself in all these people. Maybe you do, too. It's the way we're
wired. Galatians 5:17 explains it: 'The desires of the flesh are against the
Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are
opposed to each other.'
No wonder King David asked the Lord to keep him from wilful sins in Psalm
Fortunately, God forgives us when we confess our wilful sin. But we may have
to live with the consequences.
It's always best to obey God first time, straight away.

Cleland Thom
Cleland Thom helps to lead Freedom Church, a praying community


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