Are you ready ?
We have just witnessed the horror of an earthquake on our tv screens, The people of Turkey and Syria have suffered greatly, and the body count is very high indeed.
It is a sad time for 2 countries.
But are you ready ?
We can all learn a lesson from what happened in Turkey and Syria.
Jerusalem is built upon a fault line and at some time that fault line will shift and there will be an earthquake.
We hope and pray that the earthquake will be small, but we have to be prepared just in case it isn't.
It is always good to store extra water and food in your house.
Some extra tins of food just in case there is any emergency.
And bottled water too just in case the water gets contaminated.
Do you have a flashlight with good batteries? Or some candles ?
An earthquake could knock out the power supply so having candles and a flashlight is important.
A small gas stove and a camping bottle of gas is always handy.
It is a small thing that can sit in a cupboard but when it is needed can be brought out for use.
Little preparations now could be a blessing in the event of an earthquake.
It is also good to discuss with your family what to do in the event of an earthquake, Perhaps making up a game with your children so they can practice what they would do in the event of an earthquake, The more prepared they are the better.
If you have a table then you can all quickly rush under it, Under a table is a good place to be during an earthquake.
It is always good to be prepared.