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Jesus And Therapy-Josh Wilson Ft Jj Heller
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God imparts strength when you need it

By Cleland Thom


Obeying God can be tough when we face choices about things like family, friendships, money, or parents.

The implications can be too daunting, especially if we have to work things out on our own.

Jesus had the same problem.

In the Garden of Gethsemane, he battled with the prospect a barbaric crucifixion. He was so stressed, he cried out to his Father: ‘If you are willing, take this cup from me.’

But then something amazing happened. Luke 22:43 reveals that an angel came and strengthened him.

That word strengthened means he imparted God’s strength.

Father God knew his son needed help and so he provided it. The angel arrived in the right place, at the right on time.

Jesus still had to sweat blood over that decision. Matthew 26:38 says that the emotions he experienced nearly killed him.

But he got there – with the angel’s help.

God may send an angel when you need his strength in tough circumstances (Hebrews 1:14) - especially when your mates have gone to sleep when you need them!


Cleland Thom


Cleland Thom is an author who helps to lead Freedom Church

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